Education settings

“If they can’t learn in the way we teach, we teach the way they learn.”

Dr.O.Ivar Lovaas - Clinical psychologist and professor and founder of The Autism Society of America.

For a broad range of professionals including schools, OSHC, kindergartens, childcare, TAFE, and University.

Able to utilise and support providing services via grants including Innovative Solutions funding as required.

Bespoke Training and Consultancy topics could include:

• Understanding autism to support wellbeing, resilience, and confidence

• Neurodiversity affirming practices

• Evidence informed strategies

• Double empathy

• Social communication and social interaction skills

• Maximising the learning environment

• Developing independence

• Sensory solutions

• How to increase engagement and motivation

• Social skilling e.g., resources and strategies such as social narratives

• Emotion Regulation with reference to programs such as The Incredible 5 Point Scale, The Zones of Regulation, The Alert Program

• Understanding Behaviour and Positive Behaviour supports

• Supporting transitions and change

• Supporting executive function skills   

• Independence in the classroom e.g., structured teaching

• Peer awareness support

• SSO/ESO/LSO workers in the classroom

• How to run groups in the primary or high school setting using e.g., video modelling, Lego Therapy, social skill development and self-advocacy.
